Get your Pre-Game on and join us for an afternoon of fun for all at our Tailgate Party
on Sunday, February 4, 2018, 11 am – 3 pm at the Springfield Area Community Center. All are welcome!
Adults $8
Kids: $5 (age 17 & under)
Family: $25 (family of 4 or more)
includes Soup & Sandwich Lunch 11 am – 1 pm and snacks provided all afternoon
Entertainment for kids and adults
Games, Movies, Crafts for kids sponsored by Springfield Public School NHS Students
Cash Bar
Bean Bag Tournament $10/person or $20/team – sign up day of event. Prize amounts will depend on number of teams.
Tailgate Raffle – 50% payout. $5/ticket – only 500 tickets will be sold. Purchase tickets from Matt Muske, Dillon Schultz, Jill Riederer at the Springfield Area Community Center and Maxine Meine at SouthPoint Financial Credit Union in Springfield and at the door the day of the event. Drawing Sunday, February 4, 2018 – need not be present to win.
Watch the pre-game shows on the new TV’s and cable at the Community Center!
Check the Springfield Chamber website and Facebook page for more details!