We would like to invite you to participate in the 5th Annual “Winter Wellness Challenge”. This will be a one month long program that will run from January 1st, 2017 to January 31st, 2017.
Wellness involves more than just exercise and healthy eating and this challenge includes several components of wellness. These areas of wellness include nutrition, fitness, faith, friends, stress reduction, and family.
This challenge is a friendly health competition between area businesses, groups, and organizations. Daily, participants will record their minutes of exercise and complete a pre-determined health activity. This will be recorded on a calendar, which will be provided to everyone. Participants will turn in their points to their team leader weekly. The team leader will then email team results to MCHS-Springfield. Points will be tallied and averaged out for your team. Random prizes will be given weekly. Top scorers from each team will also be awarded prizes at the end of the competition. The top scoring team will be awarded a traveling “Golden Ice Skate” trophy.
What do you need to participate?
- Find at least 5 people (employees, spouses, friends, etc…) that would like to participate. The minimum is 5 but there is no maximum limit. If you have over 12 people you can separate them into 2 teams if you wish to do so. Registration deadline is December 23rd. If you know of any other group that would like to participate, please let Kim Gluth know.
- Choose a team leader; this person will be the main contact for the team. This person will also be in charge of communicating team totals weekly back to Kim Gluth.
- Send name, email address and $8.00 per participant to MCHS-Springfield, Attn: Kim Gluth. Cash is preferred; however, you may write checks to MCHS-Springfield. Please call Kim with any questions at 723-7754 or email her at gluth.kim@mayo.edu.
We hope this will be a fun challenge that will promote wellness and healthier habits during the winter months.
Thank you for considering this Wellness Opportunity.
Springfield Community Wellness Team